Thursday 29 May 2014

Small buisness's make the biggest impact

Hey everyone , these past few days have been hectic with my media deadline vast approaching but i have found some time to post.

Today I wanted to introduce you all to some really awesome people that I met over the weekend. firstly Kelley Mcgiff owner and creator of Kelley's Deli she sells some really great things such as jumpers,tshirts,jeans which are all custom made by herself using both her own designs and vintage fabrics ranging from care bears,my little pony , sesame street and more. they are all simply stunning and of great quality so if you are a fan of kawaii,kitsch,retro kid's shows then you will love these clothes!

She also sells really cute jewellery e.g. hair clips with food on , necklaces with teddies on , charms and more!!

Secondly I would like to introduce you all to Kamilah Nasir who is the owner and creator of KamCreates she also sells some great things such as lego character earrings,neckalaces with diamonds on and so much more so again if you love Kitsch,kawaii,super heros and all things unique then check her out aswell.

                                                   Left KamsCreates, Right Kelley's Deli

                                                   Myself modeling one of Kelley's Deli shirts
                                         It consists of pink tye dye and vintage minnie mouse fabric.

 If you wish to check  them out then here is their detail

    Kelleys deli :

Tumblr: Kelleys Deli
Twitter: Kelleys Deli
Instagram: @kelleys_deli
Facebook: Kelleys Deli
Big cartel (online store) : Kelleys Deli


Etsy: KamCreates
Twitter: KamCreates
Facebook: KamCreates
Tumblr: KamCreates
Instagram: @kamcreates
They both have been so great in helping me with my college project and i can't wait to share some it with you all :)

- Sasha :) 

Monday 26 May 2014

MCM Expo part 2

Hello ! so yesterday I went to the final day of the MCM Expo at the Excel centre in London , I have to say it was so much fun I got the chance to talk to some great people for my college project , buy some cute things and do lots of dancing.
What I love about comic con is that no matter what you cosplay or what your fandom is everyone comes together to have fun and the atmosphere is extremely welcoming.
I shall be also posting haul from everything I bought and also my Hermione cosplay and how you can pull it off in the next few days , now on with the photos!

                                           Alpacas! these were on so many stalls they are simply adorable

                                               some cool bears which I found on a stall in the comic village

    This was a awesome thing that was done, a college had a stall and they recreated the last supper with people cosplaying Johnny Depp characters.

                                                                    American Sweets ^.^

  I love american sweets because they have flavors of certain sweets we get here that you can't get unless they are inported.

                                                       Some adorable Japanese sweets bubblegums

     Comic Con was really good this year I got to meet some great people and have lots of fun.I will be posting the cosplayers I photgraphed separately as I am using them in my college project which the deadline is coming up for so I will be posting lots of the content from that here for you all to check out , also look these next few days as I am going to be posting lots of other things relating to comic but also on Wednesday I shall be attending the Edge Of Tomorrow Premiere so hopefrully will get some great photos from that share so watch this space!

- Sasha :)


Saturday 24 May 2014

London MCM Expo day 1

Hello everyone so today me and my sister and some friends attended the London MCM Expo. For whose that are not familier with it  , it is a convention held twice a year at the Excel center in London however it is held around the UK on other occasions also.It is a chance for you to dress up as your favorite characters for tv and film and other various things and have the chance to buy some great items whether it be Kawaii or film memoirbilia you are sure to find it there. You also get the chance to meet actors and actresses from film and tv , In the past I have met Warwick Davies. Not only this you can meet famous youtubers and bloggers Tomska and Ashens are reguarly there. For those comic book fans there is a entire section known as the comic village were you can from smaller comic book creaters aswell as meeting artists who have worked for beano and marvel.
 (Some Disney figures I came across ) 

My day was so good because I had the opportunity to buy some great things,meet great people, audition for a upcoming tv show and most of all have tons of fun. I went to the expo cosplaying as Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. I should probaly mention now that Harry Potter is one my favorite movies and books (I am abit of a fan girl for it) I shall post picturesd of my costume and how you to can pull the look of quite cheaply in the next few days.

( Beauty and the Beast cosplayers )

This is a rather amusing Buzz Lightyear figure that I found I was confused because he never wore this in the movies however the man who owned the stall said that this figure if from a straight to video-DVD movie that they made so it based on the figured im rather intrigued to watch it and see why on earth Buzz Lightyear a space ranger is wearing a hula costume. 

( A Harry Potter cookie from  the Gibbons Girls Bakery

I will do a seperate post on all the things I got and put links to were you can get them :) 


(A stunning "Anna" cosplayer from the Disney movie frozen) 

I wil be posting more cosplayers tomorrow as I will attending the final day so I will try to get wider range of cosplayers to share with you all.

Since It Is half term for the Uk I hope you all have a good one and I hope exams are not stressful for those who have them , mine are fineshed but I still have coursework but it means I get to go an travel around london so I will try and post as much as I can from my travels. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone , more from comic tomorrow! 

- Sasha :)

Friday 16 May 2014

My look today!

So Today I went to the Victoria and Albert museum as part of my final major project at college I will share some pictures from that in the next few days but I just wanted to share my look with you guys from today.
                                  Today I wore;
                                 Army Jacket - £10 - Camden Lock
                                 Floral Dress- £8-10- TK Maxx
                                  Dr Martens-£60-70 - Amazon
           It was such a lovely day today but I didn't really fancy wearing sandals a pair of shoes that would work with a short floral dress and the Dr Martens did just that. What I love about Dr Martens is that they work with nearly anything and always look good , my favorite way to wear these boots is with a skirt or dress and during the winter months I tend wear them with jeans because they are great at protecting your feet from the bitter cold weather we get and ofcorse they look awesome. 


     - Sasha :)


deadlines and exams are exhausting

Hello everyone sorry its been a week since i have posted anything I have had a maths exam and also I have been trying to get all my media work done to a tight deadline so its all very tiring my adivice to all those preparing for deadlines and exams is balance everything out so that you dont over do yourself and not meeting your deadlines and forgetting inportant things when the exams approach,For me this next week is going to be much more demanding than the last because my final maths exam is monday and then my media coursework deadline is Thurdays so lots to do in a small period of time but anything is possible is you just believe! As cheesy as it sounds its true so anyone else in the same position as me who are approaching deadlines and exams i wish you all the best of luck.

- Sasha :)

Friday 9 May 2014

Todays look

Today I wanted to wear something casual but still quite pretty so I chose my new dress a and denim jacket which go well together becasue the colours coordinate perfectly but also the length of the jacket really compliments my body shape which in my opinion is always a good thing for clothes i also chose to wear my creepers as i hadn't worn them for a while and I think that they go really well with black tights and a dress.

                          If you like anything  i am wearing in this look then here is the prices and were to find them;

                                Denim Jacket - Primark - £12
                                Dress - H&M - £7.99
                                Creepers- Primark - £10-12
                                 Enjoy :)

A day in london

Hello everyone these past few days have been a little bit hectic with my  exams approaching and so today was a great escape from all that as I spent the day going around London with my friend taking photos for my my college project but i'd like to share some of these with you.
                                                                  ( Camden) 

                                                                   ( M&M World )

(Leister Square ) 
This street performer was doing magic in Leister Square I love watching street perfromers because you never know what to expect. 

                                                                        ( Selfridges , Oxford Circus)


                                                 (Camden) my before I die - " To work at Vogue"
   This is the before I die campaign which was created by Candy Chang an artist in   America who has created various projects such as this one e.g. Confessions. The before I die project began in her home town , she put the chalk board on a abandoned house in her area and the project grew from there there are now hundreds of these boards in locations all over the world if you wish to see more of her work here is a link to her website.

                                                                 (Camden )

Saturday 3 May 2014

     This was a photo i took a few years ago of another one of my cats Meg

Just wanted to share some photos I took of my cat being adorable.