Friday 9 May 2014

A day in london

Hello everyone these past few days have been a little bit hectic with my  exams approaching and so today was a great escape from all that as I spent the day going around London with my friend taking photos for my my college project but i'd like to share some of these with you.
                                                                  ( Camden) 

                                                                   ( M&M World )

(Leister Square ) 
This street performer was doing magic in Leister Square I love watching street perfromers because you never know what to expect. 

                                                                        ( Selfridges , Oxford Circus)


                                                 (Camden) my before I die - " To work at Vogue"
   This is the before I die campaign which was created by Candy Chang an artist in   America who has created various projects such as this one e.g. Confessions. The before I die project began in her home town , she put the chalk board on a abandoned house in her area and the project grew from there there are now hundreds of these boards in locations all over the world if you wish to see more of her work here is a link to her website.

                                                                 (Camden )

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