Sunday 17 January 2016


Yesterday me and my sister decided to go to Camden Lock to explore the markets and I realised just how much it has changed in the space of a year. A big part of the market was destroyed so that a school could be built and due to a fire the stables has changed and I am forever finding myself getting lost. Despite this there is still so much to see with the variety of shops and market stalls selling everything fromclothes, comics and vintage toys and a enough international cuisine to fill you up for life.
As for the part of the market that was demolished the wall that blocks it off has been painted with artwork that represents the best of Camden.

                                                                What I Wore

            I always have my hair down so I decided to experiment by doing two high buns and they are my
            new favourite thing. This hairstyle really goes well with 80s and 90s look that I went with.
                                                             Where I found It 

                                                  Blue Jacket - East End Thrift Store 
                                                  Butterfly shirt- TopShop 
                                                  Trousers - Urban Outfitters (Urban Renewal) 
                                                   Bugandy Red Dr Martens- Dr Marten Store
- Sasha :)

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed this post well done!:)



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