Saturday 30 January 2016

Star Wars Premiere Experience Part 1

At first I was not planning to do the Star Wars premiere because I heard that people would be camping a week in advance which I was not going to do so I forgot about it until a couple of days before. I found out that a friend of mine was going to be doing it, I figured I would ask them how many people were down there out of curiosity and it was probably best thing I have done. It turn t out there was only about 15 people so I grabbed my coat and bag and rushed down there to get a number. When I arrived I ran through Leicester Square Tube station and through the square itself until I found my friend and the other people waiting. After getting my breath back I got my number and I was lucky enough to be number 31! which shocked me considering that it was  Star Wars.

 Now I had a number I went back home for a few hours to finish of some coursework and have something to eat before having to spend a night in the cold with no sleep. I headed back to the Square around 8pm wearing lots of layers and carrying two big bags and a camping chair, I imagine the people on the tube probably thought I was strange. I met up with my friends who were also doing the premiere and to kill time we went to some of the stage doors in hopes of meeting some of the stars. Firstly we went to try meet Kenneth Branagh who at the time was apart of Harlequinade. Unfortunately he didn't come out so we went to try and meet Jim Broadbent who was performing in A Christmas Carol over the Christmas period. After waiting around half an hour he came out and I was lucky enough to get a photo with him and to get a photo of him portraying Professor Slughorn from the Harry Potter films signed as its my favourite film he is in. Overall he was very nice and signed for most of the people who waited.

By this time it had hit 11pm so me and friends decided to head back to the square to get settled for the evening assuming a lot of people would be turning up throughout the night. The night itself was quite entertaining because two other friends of  mine came and stood with us for a while after having a night out, amusing us with their drunken antics. Shortly after a bus driver came up to us and asked us what we were doing and ended staying for a while too because his bus had broken down. as time went on my friends and the bus driver left and things began to settle down and we just spoke among-st ourselves with only a couple more people turning up to queue. This really shocked me  but I wasn't going to complain and being a week day there were not many drunk or loud people around.


When it got to around 5am a man approached us ( bare in mind its December) in Sandals, shorts and a sleeveless jacket and carried a back pack so I assumed he was here traveling but was shocked he was walking around in summer attire in the cold. Like other passers by he asked what we were doing and explained it was the Star Wars Premiere, this is were it got a bit strange. He began this very very  long story which I probably missed most of because it didn't made sense at all.Shortly after he had left  lots of people turnt up to get a number so from that point we were just waiting for our wristbands so that we could go home and rest up for the next day. Things began to get exciting from that point onward because press began turning up to interview us. Just in that morning I was interviewed by a journalists from The Evening Standard, Channel 5, ITV, LBC and some others. Overall it was all quite exciting and just made me even more excited for the premiere.

After a few hours more of waiting in the cold we finally got our wristbands, best part of this premiere was that security color coded the wristbands by the pens so I got to choose were I wanted to go without worrying about not getting a good space. After getting my wristbands I went on the hunt to buy some hair donuts and Star Wars attire to wear on the day it was safe to say I was pretty excited.

            TV Interviews from that day
                                           Channel 5 News

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