Saturday 16 January 2016

Happy New Year

Firstly I must say sorry for my long absence, from October to December I had so many deadlines I had put everything on hold to get it all done. I am very happy to have time to once again do what I enjoy.
I can't believe how quickly the year has flown by and I would like to wish everyone a belated happy new year, I hope this brings you all success and happiness.
I thought I could start the year by sharing some of my goals for the year and some of the things that I hope to blog about.

1. Try and post more often
This something I struggle with, finding time for blogging, coursework and everything else, I this year I will be able to balance everything out and become more organised.

2. Start a YouTube channel
I have wanted to do this for a long time and now that I have a good camera I hope that I will finally find the confidence to sit and talk to a camera without feeling awkward. I have already created a background set up in my room so the next step will be to create a name and start filming.

3. Take part in more things
At university we have lots of different societies and I really want to be more active in what goes on so I am going to try and be a part of more things.

I only have 3 as I am not a resolutions person, I would love to hear yours and also If you have suggestions to what you want me to talk about on this blog then please let me know in the comments.

- Sasha :)

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