Monday 28 July 2014

Born in the 90's - styling Mom Jeans

Its been a while since I did a proper fashion post so today I thought I would share my ways of styling Mom jeans. At the moment I am really loving the 80s and 90s style so I hopefully will do more posts such as this one in the future however I do experiment with other styles to becasue I don't like to label my style as one main thing I like to experiment and mix different styles together.

                                 I love wearing baggy jumpers with mom jeans because they go so nicely
                                 together especially when it is cold.For me my Mom jeans are slightly big so
                                 thick jumper fills that extra space and makes them fit nicely. Mom jeans
                                 work baggy or tight because they are high waisted it just depends on your
                                  personal preferance my advice would be to go with what fits your body shape
                                  the best. When I wear mom jeans I love to wear things that quite bright and
                                  colourful because I love to stand out and I love wearing things with graphics on
                                  such as the jumper I am wearing, they give the look a 80s-90s feel.


                                                       Mom Jeans : East End Thrift Store
                                                       Mcdonalds jumper : Kelley's Deli
                                                       Dr Martens :New York
                                                       Sunglasses : New Look
                                                       Tattoo Choker : Seventh Sun 

                                   I really love wearing this tattoo choker,I remember when I was little
                                  people used to wear them alot and I am really glad they have made a comeback
                                 because at my age now I love them alot more and they work with nearly any outfit
                                  I tend to wear mine with t-shirts and jumpers.


                               For this style I am wearing a vintage Disneyland shirt from the East End
                               Thrift Store and Creepers from Primark. I love this look because I love all
                               things Disney and brightly coloured shirts work really nicely with Mom Jeans
                              like the jumper.

                              I would love to hear how you guys would style them.

- Sasha :)


Sunday 27 July 2014

Hyper Japan

Yesterday I attended Hyper Japan in Earls Court , Hyper Japan Is the biggest convention for Japanese culture from Anime to traditional there is something for everyone. It was similar to Comic Con accept the film side of things. But filled of lots of interesting cosplayers and exibitors I found myself buying lots of cute and strange things such as a alpaca letter set from Artbox. I also got to see some friends I made at comic con Kelley's Deli and Kamcreates who I have previously posted about here, I spent alot time with them at their stall which as always was filled with such lovely things.Overall If you are into Anime,Kawaii,Pokemon or just anything to do with Japanese culture then I highly reccomend that you attend this event in the future.

                                This is the dress that I wore I got it last minute In canterbury before
                                I came home at Funky Munks for a great price of £10. This dress
                                is made by Hell Bunny these dresses usually are quite alot of money
                                so I was very lucky. The necklace I am wearing Is a My Little Pony
                                necklace which I made myself and my bracelet is a Nyan cat bracelet
                                and I got that from David and Goliath.



                                  This Is a professor from Japan who has invented some really cool
                                   Robots such as the ones in the picture which have won some world
                                   records E.g.The small blue one won a world record for first robot
                                   to climb up the Grand Canyon (forgive me as I cannot remember their



                                                      A cute My Little Pony cosplay.

                                                        A Instax of me, Kam and Kelley.

                                                      Cute things from Hyper Japan.

- Sasha :)

A small escape is always great

Hello everyone its been a while since I last posted as I was staying in Dover with family and did not have internet to post but I am back In London now after a well needed break from the city.I will always be a city girl but its always nice to escape to a much quieter and relaxing scene for a while especially when its hot.While I was away I had the chance to visit the beach in Dover and also the lovely seaside town hastings whilst I was their I went to the arcades and won lots of teddy bears on the 2p machines , I have fond memories of doing this as a child so it was nice to relive that and be a child again.
Everytime I visit my family in Dover I always go to Canterbury which is a such a great place for shopping and if you go all to the way to the old part of the old street you will find some really nice vinatge and alternative fashion shops and charity shops which In the past I found some really lovely things. If you ever go there and want cheap alternative and vintage fashion then I reccomend a shop called Funky monks Its filled with so many lovely peices and all at affordable prices from Levis to Vintage shirts.
Now I am home I can finally begin to post more regular and I have lots of exciting things planned so watch this space.

- Sasha :)

Sunday 6 July 2014

End of year show

HeY everyone few weeks ago I had my end of year show at college and wanted to share some of the pictures from it.I havent yet prepared the full PDF's for some of the pages in the book but I am very excited to share those with  you all.
                                                        Me standing with my work

                                         What I am wearing :
                                         Floral Dress - H&M
                                         Blue Harley Davidson Jacket - East End Thrift Store 
                                         My little Pony Necklace : Handmade by myself
                                         Flower headband : Primark


                                                Myself with Kelley (Kelley's Deli ) who featured in
                                                 my work if you havent already check out my post about
                                                her and KamCreates to find out about their awesome work.

                                                                Click here to check it out

                          This is my friend Chloe who I decided would be perfect for the cover.


Wednesday 2 July 2014


Hey everyone i am very sorry I have posted for a while I have been up to lots of exciting events and cannot wait to share them with you in the nesxt few days as well as this some of college work I am proud and I hope you can enjoy it too so watch this space
