Wednesday 16 September 2015

Going Back To Uni And Tips For New Freshers.

In a couple of weeks I will be returning back to university for my second year of BA Journalism and I am both nervous and excited at the same time because there Is a lot of work which sometimes can get overwhelming and I am also going to be doing modules that I will enjoy because they relate to what I like and what I want to do. I am also looking forward to having a routine again as the past couple of weeks have been boring and have gone by slowly as well as learning new skills and having new experiences.
Since I am going In to my second year I thought I could offer some advice and tips based of my experiences as a first year student so I hope this will come across as helpful.

1. Go to the freshers fair.
Every University will have one and It Is there so that you can meet other students and sign up to societies which are "clubs" you can join based on your Interest E.g If you love films then you could join a film society. Another great thing about the freshers fair Is that a lot of outside companies will come In offering special deals and products and even freebies! what more could you want? Another Important thing Is that you can find out the different student services that are on offer on your campus as well as meeting the people who run your student union and what they provide. 

2. Try New Things.
Going to University Is a huge new thing In It self and gives you the opportunity to try new things and face your fears with both hands big or small. When I started University I knew I wanted to try new things to find a new hobby and I didn't find just find one but I found two, first being this blog I really wanted a place to be creative and make my own content and put the skills I am learning to the test. The second being attending film premieres and similar events In order to see and meet my favourite actors, singers and directors. In the past year I have met and had unforgettable experiences such as meeting Daniel Radcliffe and getting a hug from him and meeting the ridiculously talented Johnny Depp and witnessing just how kind he Is to us his fans. I have also made so many Friends and had Incredible experiences so take It from  me It well worth trying new things. 

3. Stay Balanced And Don't Leave It To The Last Minute. 
You might be wondering how on earth you are going to have time to do fun things with all the work well don't panic because you will be able to do both by simply having a balance between the two. There will be times were the work load won't be so heavy so you have more spare time but sometimes you will have more work however you can still keep a balance. The best way to not get overwhelmed Is to try to start your work as soon as you get It and not leaving It to the last minute It will be the worst kind of stress trying to meet your deadlines and submitting at the last second because so many people make this mistake and If like me you submit online the software gets strained and crashes when every one submits at the last second.

4. Keep A Budget 
You may have heard some horror stories of people who have managed to spend their entire student finance In a matter of weeks but don't panic because this a small number of people and there are ways to avoid over spending. For me personally I found that breaking up my money over each week of term until the date of the next payment and sticking to that budget and to avoid going over budget I noted down In a notebook all of my purchases and I found It has worked really well. 

5. Make Use Of Discounts 
 One of the many perks of student life Is all the discounts you can get on various things and you don't need to pay for a NUS card for some of them If you present your student ID many places will accept that.During the freshers period many shopping malls will hold student events were you can get discounts throughout the whole mall Including places that don't usually do them so keep an eye out. 

I hope that these tips are useful and I wish anyone who Is starting University good luck you will have a blast I promise!

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