Friday 29 May 2015

First Year of University Complete

Hello everyone I know it's been a while, In all honesty the last couple months have been very busy with essays and other bits of work that I just never had time to blog so I am Sorry that. Now everything is done I am hoping that I can blog a lot more and I have a couple of exciting things to share with you.
Firstly as always I have attended several premieres and Q&A's which I will do a post all about and just this past weekend I attended the MCM Expo which was really fun, next month I will be going to Disneyland Paris again this time for three days. The most exciting thing coming up at the beginning of July I am going to Hollywood for 8 days so I am very excited to share that with you all.

I never thought that my first year would end after all the essays I had to do it got very exhausting but overall it has been a very good year. I feel that I have learnt so much and have gained so many skills that I did not have before. I have also made lots of new friends and I am looking forward to a long summer and the second year which will be filled with even more great things.

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