Monday 1 September 2014

September 1st - My owl must of got lost bring me my Hogwarts letter.

Hello everyone so it is indeed september a time for going back to school and college and those like me the start of University. I start In two weeks time and I am both extremely excited but also very nervous not only because of It being a very big move from college and having to make new friends but also because with becoming a student It means learning how to be more responsible with spending and becoming very independent and doings of self study to name a few.

Now the summer is coming to a end and the cooler weather slowly creeping in I have started to have some fun and seeing how I can wear my more warmer clothes in a interesting way.The outfit I am sharing with you today is one of them I feel like It has a back to school,college and Uni feel so I hope you all like it.

What I am wearing : 

Army jacket : Camden Market - £10 
Minnie Mouse shirt : Kelley's Deli - £25
Skinny Jeans  : Primark - £7
Dr Martens - £60 
My Little Pony socks : Primark - £3.50
Woody Neckalace - handmade by myself. 

                         This outfit is perfect for the weather now things are cooling down but also a perfect casual
                          look with a hint of kitsch to it which is why I love it so much.
                         I love how the mash of colours really work together , sometimes It is good to take a chance
                         on mashing colours together because sometimes it will look really good but if it does not
                          always go your way it is ok because afterall fashion is all about taking risks.



                       I really love wearing knee socks with jeans and Dr Martens I really think they compliment
                      each other nicely. I wore these ones because for me the theme for my outfit was childhood
                        and kitsch and so they were the perfect choice of socks to go with my vintage tie dye
                        Minnie Mouse shirt.



                     I got this charming Polaroid camera In a charity shop for a brilliant price of £1.50!

   I hope you liked this outfit please let me know In the comments if you would like to see more back to school,college,uni inspired outfits.       

                                                    - Sasha :)          

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