Monday 22 September 2014

My first week of uni

Hello everyone so the past week has certainly been a long one but also very fun. Throughout the week I had inductions for my course and had the chance to meet people in my course and my teachers. What I really love about my uni is that there are students not only from across the Uk but also from across the world so I am looking forward to making friends. On Wednesday I had the chance to go to kings cross to finally have my photo at the platform nine and three quarters sign being a big Harry potter fan this was very much something I had to do. 
 On Friday I had my freshers fair and it was so good had the opportunity to sign up to some societies ; film society and the comedy society and also the Uni magazine. I got some really great freebies including some giant movie posters and a fault In are stars notebook. On Saturday I had my freshers trip to Thorpe park were I finally overcame my fear of upside Dow. Rides they really not as bad as I thought it's such a weird feeling that words can not explain. 



                                                             What I am wearing: 
                                                    Suade jacket - East End Thrift Store 
                                                     Floral shirt - East End Thrift Store 
                                                     Checkered Skirt - Beyond Retro 
                                                My Little Pony Necklace - made by myself 
                                                                    Dr Martens 


         I really love this outfit because it really has a 60s/70s feel to it and I love how well the patterns 
          And colours clash together. The good thig about vintage is you get a real feel of that era from 
          What you are wearing and also you can clash pieces from different eras which if done well can 
         Look really nice. 
         Another great thing about my uni is that it is full of really creative people with a wide range of 
         Style, I have also met some people who have blogs so I am really hopeing to maybe 
        Collaborate with some people in the future.




              Soon I am hoping to share some of the pieces of jewelry I have created with you and I've
                Planning a few other things so watch this space. 

              - sasha :) 

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Holidays are ending , Routines are returning.

Hello everyone, with uni getting closer and closer and my friends starting college and uni also I have not been out much this past week accept last week when me and a couple of friends traveled down to Carnaby Street at 5am to try and a pair of £3 Dr Martens which is how much they cost in the 60's. They were doing it for a special one off promotion, when we arrived there was already a long queue but we fought we would be ok however unfortunately after over four hours of waiting and with over 500 people turning up only 100 people got them so ofcourse we were really disapointed and tired but I guess it is all experience and we know next time if they do it again we shall camp.

Uni starts next monday with a week of inductions and meeting my teachers and class mates It's all exciting and ofcourse nerve racking all at the same time.With me studying journalism I am hoping to do use this blog to do alot more journalistic peices and I still have some past work from college that I hope to share soon. I guess you could say that with starting Uni It Is my chance to bring more to this blog through fashion posts , journalistic,opinions and photography.

                                                              What I am wearing: 
                                                          bowler hat - Forever 21
                                                          Sun Glasses - New Look
                                                          Black Vest Top - Primark
                                                          Black Mom Jeans - East End Thrift Store
                                                          Flannel Shirt - East End Thrift Store
                                                                    Dr Martens

                                This is a Disney Princess Belle necklace that I recently created.

                                                             - Sasha :)

Monday 1 September 2014

September 1st - My owl must of got lost bring me my Hogwarts letter.

Hello everyone so it is indeed september a time for going back to school and college and those like me the start of University. I start In two weeks time and I am both extremely excited but also very nervous not only because of It being a very big move from college and having to make new friends but also because with becoming a student It means learning how to be more responsible with spending and becoming very independent and doings of self study to name a few.

Now the summer is coming to a end and the cooler weather slowly creeping in I have started to have some fun and seeing how I can wear my more warmer clothes in a interesting way.The outfit I am sharing with you today is one of them I feel like It has a back to school,college and Uni feel so I hope you all like it.

What I am wearing : 

Army jacket : Camden Market - £10 
Minnie Mouse shirt : Kelley's Deli - £25
Skinny Jeans  : Primark - £7
Dr Martens - £60 
My Little Pony socks : Primark - £3.50
Woody Neckalace - handmade by myself. 

                         This outfit is perfect for the weather now things are cooling down but also a perfect casual
                          look with a hint of kitsch to it which is why I love it so much.
                         I love how the mash of colours really work together , sometimes It is good to take a chance
                         on mashing colours together because sometimes it will look really good but if it does not
                          always go your way it is ok because afterall fashion is all about taking risks.



                       I really love wearing knee socks with jeans and Dr Martens I really think they compliment
                      each other nicely. I wore these ones because for me the theme for my outfit was childhood
                        and kitsch and so they were the perfect choice of socks to go with my vintage tie dye
                        Minnie Mouse shirt.



                     I got this charming Polaroid camera In a charity shop for a brilliant price of £1.50!

   I hope you liked this outfit please let me know In the comments if you would like to see more back to school,college,uni inspired outfits.       

                                                    - Sasha :)