Monday 22 September 2014

My first week of uni

Hello everyone so the past week has certainly been a long one but also very fun. Throughout the week I had inductions for my course and had the chance to meet people in my course and my teachers. What I really love about my uni is that there are students not only from across the Uk but also from across the world so I am looking forward to making friends. On Wednesday I had the chance to go to kings cross to finally have my photo at the platform nine and three quarters sign being a big Harry potter fan this was very much something I had to do. 
 On Friday I had my freshers fair and it was so good had the opportunity to sign up to some societies ; film society and the comedy society and also the Uni magazine. I got some really great freebies including some giant movie posters and a fault In are stars notebook. On Saturday I had my freshers trip to Thorpe park were I finally overcame my fear of upside Dow. Rides they really not as bad as I thought it's such a weird feeling that words can not explain. 



                                                             What I am wearing: 
                                                    Suade jacket - East End Thrift Store 
                                                     Floral shirt - East End Thrift Store 
                                                     Checkered Skirt - Beyond Retro 
                                                My Little Pony Necklace - made by myself 
                                                                    Dr Martens 


         I really love this outfit because it really has a 60s/70s feel to it and I love how well the patterns 
          And colours clash together. The good thig about vintage is you get a real feel of that era from 
          What you are wearing and also you can clash pieces from different eras which if done well can 
         Look really nice. 
         Another great thing about my uni is that it is full of really creative people with a wide range of 
         Style, I have also met some people who have blogs so I am really hopeing to maybe 
        Collaborate with some people in the future.




              Soon I am hoping to share some of the pieces of jewelry I have created with you and I've
                Planning a few other things so watch this space. 

              - sasha :) 

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