Saturday 9 August 2014

Exploring london

Hello everyone once again I have had another really eventful week. Because my freind from Dover came to visit and the weather was simply devine I thought It would be fun to go exploring around london because London is such a big and beautiful city filled with so much history and so much to explore and so it was nice to visit places I haven't been to before. The first stop of are journey was Buckingham Palace It was my first time their since I was little and I honestly can say I love it as a building more than I ever did before. Being a lover of the Disney Princess's I feel so thank full to live in a country full of castles and palaces because they really are quite pretty and interesting to visit. After Buckingham Palace We took a walk through Green Park to take a tube to the British Museum , I have never been there before since I was little I have always took an interest In ancient Egyptian history and had always wanted to go to the British Museum to see all the artifacts they had however I lived In Dover and never had the chance.It was very interesting to see everything however I found the mummies a little strange because when you think about it they were once people and they should of been left to rest In peace but instead they are in a museum were thousands of people stare at them everyday taking pictures which personally I just don't agree with. After the British Musuem we decided to take a very long walk to the Museum of London even though it was really hot it was well worth the walk because we went past ST Paul's Cathedral which In Itself is a beautiful building but me and my freind got excited to go past it because of our love of Mary Poppins. When we eventually got to the museum of London we were tired from all the walking but excited to see what was inside and ofcorse we were not dissapointed.As a lover of vintage fashion and The Beatles I got to see some really stunning peices ranging from the 40s up to the 90s as well some great Beatles memorbilia and other bits and bobs. After the Museum we decided we would walk to waterloo however we realised that it would be to far so we ended up taking a walk to the globe theatre which once again I have never been to. After the globe theatre we were exhausted and so took the tube home.
                                                                   Buckingham Palace

                                                    A penny Farthing bike outside a shop I went past   

                                                                      The British Museum

                                                             A acient Egyptian statue
                                                                 A beautiful Egyptian cat statue  

                                                   ST Pauls cathedral "feed the birds tupence a bag"       

                                              A stunning vintage motor bike at the museum of London

                                                  Vintage Beatles dress , how I wish I could own It.

                                         I love bridges you can get great shots like this.

                                                            Gates at the Globe theatre.

I shall upload part two of my travels next week as I wont have computer acsess for a few days so watch this space.

-Sasha :)

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