Sunday 2 November 2014

so little time , so much to do

Hey everyone, I know It has been a while since I last posted I had some deadlines at university to meet and there was ALOT of work. but hopefully these next few weeks I will have some things to share.

These past couple of weeks have been quite eventful and exciting I have attended some movie premeieres and Apple Store Q&A's and got to meet some of my favorite actors and actresses.
I really love going to these events the atmosphere is all so magical and you get to see such talented actors in the flesh, when I was young never in a million years fought I would get the chance to meet the likes of Alan Rickman and Daniel Radcliffe and many others but I guess thats the beauty of living in London.

The first two I went to were at the same time and location and were for the BFI film festival they were A Little Chaos directed and starring Alan Rickman and then The Dissapearance of Elanor Rigby which was starring James Mcavoy.


                                                      Alan Rickman talking to the press.


                                                       James Mcavoy heading in to the cinema.

    The next premiere I went to was the closing night gala premiere of Fury which stars Brad Pitt, Logan Lerman and Shia Lebouf. I was very lucky because I arrived there just two hours before it started and as I arrived a extra pen was opened and I was able to get autographs from Jason Issacs and Shia Lebouf.

                I couldn't get any good pictures accept this one of Brad Pitt arriving at the premiere.


                        The last premiere I attended was Horns starring Daniel Radcliffe and Juno Temple.
                        I was lucky enough to get autographs and photos with the both of them.


                                                            Me and Daniel Radcliffe               

                                                             Me and Juno Temple

                     Finally a few days ago I went to the Q&A for Elijah Woods new film Set Fire To The Stars. I
                      Was able to get a photo with him .

                                                        Me with Elijah Wood.

   Last week I went to Comic Con as Alex Vause from Orange is the New Black and I will be posting   my photos from that soon.

-Sasha :)