Tuesday 17 June 2014

The Fault In Our Star's Q&A

Hello everyone so yesterday thanks to a great freind of mine I was able attend The Fault In Our Stars Q&A at the regent street apple store, Ansel Elgort,Nat Wollf and Laura Dern unfortunately Shailene was not there due to filming.It was such a great day because I met some really lovely people and I was lucky enough to get front row seats.The whole event was great so many came to see them even if they did not get tickets. As they were leaving I managed to get Nat's autograph was shaking so much after. On Friday I am going to see the movie so best get my tissues ready.

Here are a couple of photos from the event.

                                                         Before they arrived

                                             sorry that it is blurry this was the clearest close I had

Sunday 15 June 2014

A well needed update

Hello everyone ,
First let me say sorry for the lack of posts these past few weeks but lots have been going with my final deadline I had to put everything on hold to ensure everything was to perfection for my end of year show, My project began as a street fashion project that I was going to tun into a book but it ended up being filled with art and cosplayers I am excited to share it with you because I spent many late nights creating it all. Aswell as preparing everything I have been trying to decide what to wear because it is my first ever "exibition" and so i want to wear something really nice and I cant wait to share the outfit with you.
Since my last post I  Attended the Edge Of Tomorrow premiere and saw the film for free thanks to a great website called ShowFilmFirst it is a site which gives its members free tickets to various movies and events I highly reccomend you sign up if you havent already.
Also as someone who loves vintage clothing but on a budget I have discovered such a great place called the East End Thrift Store located in Stepney Green in East London. It is a vintage store in which you can buy either a ten pound bag or a twenty pound bag and you literally can fill them up with as much as you like for that price its such a great place for vintage lovers you can find such great peices for such a great price so if you live close or are in the area you should pay them a visit.
This week aswell as my end of year me and my sister are going to see the Fault In Our Stars which I am excited to see , I am yet to read the book but it shall be on my summer reading list this year if you want me to do a review post of the film then leave a comment.
Now that I have lots more time I will have lots more time to post so I have lots planned for the blog this summer and I hope you will enjoy the content over the summer months.

                                                               Tom and Emily

                                                                  Emily's geogous dress
                                                         Outside of the East End Thrift Store
                                         Here are some of great finds I got from the East End Thrift store  

      Hope to hear from some you soon.

   - Sasha :)