Monday 26 January 2015

So.. It's Been a While.

Hello everyone, I know I havent posted for a long timeI have wanted to but these past couple of months have been abit hectic for what with adjusting to Uni life and trying make time for coursework and life itself.
I am hoping this time round I will be abke manage my time better and also have great content to post on a more regular basis. I have few things planned hopefully some more style posts and also soona post with all the recent premieres I have attended. Just this month I have attended the In To The Woods and Mortdecai premieres.

I hope this year will be a good for me and for you all.

  In November I went to Disneyland Paris for the day It was great and this my favorite photo from the    whole trip.

Great things are yet to come.

- Sasha :)